Episode 91 Too much detachment makes Jack an antisocial boy- Parenting – the highs and the lows

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Episode 91 Too detachment makes Jack an antisocial boy- Parenting – the highs and the lows

In this episode, I’m recovering off the back of a lost school jumper issue…an ongoing issue I assure you. Today I talk about the careful and sometimes precarious balance we strike between being the parent full of compassion and without expectation and the parent who sets realistic boundaries and requires the child to be responsible. What is the careful line between attachment and attachment? What do you think?

And what about relationships, love, and parenting???? Is it really truly about reducing relationship attachment or does it run more deeply than that? What is the answer? I think the answer is about walking the line between attachment and detachment in order that we allow others to grow, we maintain our boundaries, we maintain a healthy sense of self, and we contribute to the world community and environment. What do you think? What are your views on parenting? On relationship? And by the way, it is 10 days to book release date. Paperback out soon…I promise

Warm regards Lauren aka the whispering mother.

BUY MY BOOK Daily Rituals For Happiness


LISTEN TO MY PODCAST My podcast  https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/being-well-with-lauren/id1030685050?mt=2


The art of noticing, blocked drains & tulips Podcast episode 90

Podcast episode 90


Hi everyone, my much-loved book( nicknamed Alby after Albatross) is out on pre-order I’m so incredibly infinitely excited. Today with tea in hand I talk about The art of noticing. This is a really important element in our ability to feel happy every single day. I talk about how to practice the art noticing and how this skill can contribute significantly to not only our happiness but a sense of peace. The art of noticing is about experiencing the moment and squeezing the moment dry. It is about smelling the aromas, noticing the textures, embracing the sounds, and being with every sensual moment. The art of noticing requires practice and as with all practices, it requires skill, focus, and repetition. As we repeat the art of noticing over time our brain cognitively learns to feel happy. What don’t you give it a try? Lets experience the art of noticing together. Come with me a journey to learn to feel happy every single day. Warm regards Lauren.


You may pre-order my book “daily rituals to happiness” by downloading on Amazon Kindle here: https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Rituals-Happiness-happy-single-ebook/dp/B01GA4KXWY?ie=UTF8&ref_=pe_2427780_160035660


The paperback in hardcover will be available in the next couple days.


Daily Rituals For Happiness

About the book

Do you want to feel happy every single day?

Written by Lauren Ostrowski Fenton, Daily Rituals for Happiness is a user-friendly guidebook that teaches readers a step-by-step technique for experiencing happiness every single day. Focusing on ritual as the key to happiness, the book details the significance of these simple yet powerful practices and explores how they help instil a sense of self through reinforcing values, affirming connections to the community, and supporting wellbeing. Through insightful exercises in each chapter, readers are encouraged to develop self-awareness and create their own rituals, with an emphasis on feeling sensations of comfort, experiencing meaningful engagement, and embracing the rewards which come with planning and achieving realistic goals.“come with planning and achieving realistic goals. The book provides support and encouragement for those who feel lost, lack motivation, and are searching for a straightforward and sustainable method to feel happy every day. Interwoven throughout is the beautiful story of the special relationship between Lauren and her father, Leonard Sergiusz Ostrowski, a Polish World War II survivor who emigrated to Australia, bringing with him his recipe for family, resilience, celebration and being happy.

Available as pre order on Amazon Kindle ( will be available tomorrow as paperback and hard copy)


Click on the link to pre order….


My book Daily Rituals for happiness is available for pre order on Amazon

Happiness 01 (2) (1)Yay! 14 days until my book release. I’m starting an online campaign to let people know of my upcoming book release of my book ‘ Rituals For Daily Happiness’ on 11th June. I wanted to invite you to show me some love simply by adding your Facebook or Twitter support. It would mean so much to me. I’m using the user friendly thunderclap platform. It is completely safe much like the game Chinese whispers it automatically posts 1 post( and no more) on your behalf on the release date spreading the word like a giant mexican wave at the Footy. Simply go to the attached link https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/42589-the-book-launch-is-here
And click support with Facebook or Twitter( or both!)
Thanks so much


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